2024 年 12 月 Code-DBNet 12/22 Game-Alpha Zero General 12/01 Software-部署皮卡鱼(Pikafish) 12/01 11 月 Book-如果歷史是一群喵 11/16 8 月 Course-文本识别 OCR 神器 MMOCR 08/19 6 月 Paper-ABCNet-Real-time Scene Text Spotting with Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network 06/26 4 月 Hexo-写点工具加快 hexo g 的速度 04/28 Web-xiangqiJS 04/15 2023 年 12 月 Paper-Fourier Contour Embedding for Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection 12/20 Server-河北人工智能计算中心 12/19 10 月 Paper-SynthTIGER-Synthetic Text Image GEneratoR Towards Better Text Recognition Models 10/11 Paper-Polygonal approximation of digital planar curve using novel significant measure 10/10 Paper-MixNet-Toward Accurate Detection of Challenging Scene Text in the Wild 10/09 Paper-Building outline extraction from ALS point clouds using medial axis 10/08 Exercise-实验相关 10/05 9 月 Paper-重读-Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images 09/05 8 月 Paper-BlenderText-旧 08/07 7 月 Paper-Real-Time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion 07/15 Paper-Shape Robust Text Detection With Progressive Scale Expansion Network 07/15 Paper-Detecting Curve Text in the Wild-New Dataset and New Solution 07/14 Paper-Real-Time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization 07/13 Server-MindOCR 07/12 Paper-TotalText 07/07 6 月 Blender-Datasets-auto-generator-based-on-Blender 06/16 Blender-Text Effects In Blender (7-12) 06/14 Blender-Text Effects In Blender (1-6) 06/10 Blender-BlenderProc Examples overview-Advanced Examples 06/05 Blender-BlenderProc Examples overview-Basic Examples 06/04 Paper-BlenderProc 06/03 Software-Blender & Python (21-30) 06/01 5 月 Software-Blender & Python (11-20) 05/31 Software-Blender & Python (1-10) 05/31 Python-处理 SOLO 数据集 05/25 Paper-Medical SAM Adapter-Adapting Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation 05/21 Pytorch-放一放之前看的一些代码 05/20 Paper-EAST-An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector 05/13 Server-中原人工智能计算中心(各种寄) 05/08 Paper-Rethinking Text Segmentation:A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach 05/04 4 月 Paper-Segment Anything in Medical Images 04/26 Software-Stable Diffusion 04/26 Paper-Segment Anything 04/25 Paper-Inpaint Anything 04/25 Paper-Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images 04/21 3 月 Pytorch-目标检测 YOLOv5 开源代码项目调试与讲解实战-小土堆 03/31 Pytorch-深度学习快速入门教程(绝对通俗易懂!)【小土堆】 03/27 2 月 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-5-RNN 02/25 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-4-word2vec高速化 02/24 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-3-word2vec 02/23 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-2-自然语言和单词的分布式表示 02/23 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-1-神经网络的复习 02/23 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-8-深度学习 02/23 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-7-卷积神经网络 02/23 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-6-与学习相关的技巧 02/22 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-5-误差反向传播法 02/21 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-4-神经网络的学习 02/21 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-3-神经网络 02/20 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-2-感知机 02/20 1 月 Python-一些我常用的小操作 01/28 Python-Building a neural network FROM SCRATCH (no Tensorflow or Pytorch, just numpy & math) 01/13 2022 年 12 月 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(73-78)-U-net 12/17 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(70-71)-Deep Learning 12/17 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(69)-BOVW 12/17 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(68)-SVM 12/16 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(59-67)-Random Forest Classifier 12/15 DIP-Convolutions in image processing 12/06 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(55-58)-Supervised Learning 12/03 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(50-54)-Unsupervised Learning 12/03 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(43-49)-Regression 12/02 11 月 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(36-42)-Pandas 11/30 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(51-58)-Image Segmentation 11/14 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(48-50)-Image Quality 11/13 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(46-47)-Image Registration 11/13 Python-Regular Expressions made Easy 11/09 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(44-45)-Color Spaces 11/05 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(42-43)-CLAHE 11/04 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(29-41)-Image Filtering 11/02 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(22-28)-Python Libraries 11/02 10 月 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(1-21)-Python Basics 10/30 9 月 ML-吴恩达机器学习-week1 09/02 8 月 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(scraping) 08/26 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(scikit-learn) 08/24 Python-人工智能数学基础17 08/03 Python-人工智能数学基础16 08/01 7 月 Python-人工智能数学基础15 07/29 Python-人工智能数学基础14 07/26 Python-人工智能数学基础13 07/25 Python-人工智能数学基础12 07/23 Python-人工智能数学基础11 07/22 Python-人工智能数学基础10 07/20 Python-人工智能数学基础(7-9) 07/12 Python-人工智能数学基础(5-6) 07/10 Python-人工智能数学基础(2-4) 07/09 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(multithreading) 07/06 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(multiprocessing) 07/06 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(matplotlib) 07/04 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(pandas) 07/04 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(numpy) 07/04