站内搜索 2025 年 2 月 Diary-豫了 02/23 Al-LeetCode 02/05 1 月 PL-MySQL 01/22 Web-Vue3-小兔鲜儿 01/12 2024 年 12 月 XML-Svg 12/31 Web-Vue Router 12/24 Code-DBNet 12/22 Web-React 12/16 Web-Astro 12/16 AE-UI 动效设计 12/15 Diary-啊!11-12 月! 12/14 Web-RUNOOB-AngularJS 12/13 AE-Lottie 12/12 Web-Vuex 12/12 Hexo-插件 12/10 Shader-GLSL 12/08 PL-TypeScript 12/07 Js-RUNOOB-NodeJS 12/07 CSharp-设计模式 12/05 PL-RUNOOB-JQuery 12/05 Web-Vue Ajax 12/05 Web-显示文本文件并代码高亮 12/03 Game-Alpha Zero General 12/01 Software-部署皮卡鱼(Pikafish) 12/01 UML-类图 12/01 PL-RUNOOB-JavaScript 12/01 11 月 Unity-WebGL 11/24 Hexo-markdown-it 11/23 Web-ScrollReveal 11/19 Web-Vue(Vue 组件化编程 & 脚手架) 11/18 Web-jsTree 11/17 Book-如果歷史是一群喵 11/16 Web-Canvas-Confetti 11/15 Web-发布一个包到 npm 11/13 Web-Vue(Vue 核心) 11/11 Diary-沪了(二) 11/10 Diary-沪了(一) 11/09 Web-GitBook 11/09 10 月 Diary-啊!10 月! 10/25 Web-中文文案排版指北(简体中文版) 10/20 Course-游戏心理学-中国传媒大学 10/19 Paper-Image Visual Realism-From Human Perception 10/13 Paper-摘抄一下其他论文 10/07 Paper-桥边红药的论文 10/06 Paper-看一看“水论文的程序猿”的论文 10/06 Course-毕业大论文从入门到放弃 10/04 Software-Zotero 10/04 9 月 Course-央美×中传游研社 电子游戏史 09/30 Paper-An Improved Formula Extraction Method of Printed Chinese Layouts Based on Connected Component Run-Length Feature 09/28 Paper-Dual-Dimensional Adversarial Attacks-A Novel Spatial and Temporal Attack Strategy for Multi-Object Tracking 09/28 Paper-UnrealROX+ An Improved Tool for Acquiring Synthetic Data from Virtual 3D Environments 09/28 Diary-啊!9 月! 09/25 Diary-A Survey of Synthetic Data Augmentation Methods in Machine Vision 09/19 Paper-SORDI.ai-large-scale synthetic object recognition dataset 09/18 Diary-碎碎念 09/15 Diary-美~丽~泉~州~ 09/04 GAMES104-GPU-Driven Geometry Pipeline-Nanite 09/04 8 月 Paper-重读-Synthetic-to-Real Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Scene Text Detection in the Wild 08/31 Diary-最后一个暑假 08/23 GAMES104-Dynamic Global Illumination and Lumen 08/21 GAMES104-Data-Oriented Programming and Job System 08/20 Course-文本识别 OCR 神器 MMOCR 08/19 GAMES104-Online Gaming Architecture 08/12 Unity-HDRP 08/12 Plan-这是一篇加密推文~ 08/08 7 月 Web-Mermaid 07/30 Course-婚恋 职场 人格-武汉理工大学 07/30 PL-RUNOOB-CSharp 07/29 Diary-又又又闽了 07/27 Diary-粤了(四) 07/27 Diary-粤了(三) 07/25 Diary-粤了(二) 07/24 Diary-粤了(一) 07/23 Web-fancyapps 07/22 Diary-20-倒一! 07/20 CSS-position: absolute 07/20 Diary-福州新馆 07/08 Diary-中国海关博物馆 07/08 Diary-中国华侨历史博物馆 07/08 Diary-保定市城市展示中心 07/08 6 月 Diary-19-倒二? 06/27 Paper-ABCNet-Real-time Scene Text Spotting with Adaptive Bezier-Curve Network 06/26 Paper-Intelligent Data Analysis 06/25 Diary-18-我要考六级! 06/21 GAMES104-Gameplay 06/20 Diary-又京了(三) 06/18 Diary-又京了(二) 06/18 Diary-又京了(一) 06/17 Paper-Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation 06/14 GAMES104-Tool Chains 06/03 GAMES104-Effects 06/02 5 月 GAMES104-Physics 05/30 Paper-MMOCR-A Comprehensive Toolbox for Text Detection, Recognition and Understanding 05/30 Diary-17-雏荷日当午! 05/28 Web-nodeppt 05/27 GAMES104-Animation 05/25 Hexo-基于 CryptoJS-AES 的 Hexo 文章片段加密插件 05/23 GAMES104-Rendering 05/21 Paper-Domain Adaptation-A Survey 05/20 Diary-老儿北儿京儿 05/20 Diary-16-热热热! 05/18 Paper-Deep Visual Domain Adaptation-A Survey 05/15 GAMES104-Basic Elements 05/12 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(8) 05/11 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(7) 05/10 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(6) 05/09 Word-论文排版 05/07 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(5) 05/06 Diary-15-五一快乐! 05/05 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(4) 05/05 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(3) 05/03 Hexo-侧边栏 05/02 Software-Maya(灯光篇 & 摄像机篇) 05/02 4 月 Diary-满城汉墓 04/30 Hexo-写点工具加快 hexo g 的速度 04/28 Web-ECharts 地图可视化 04/22 Diary-14-我要下象棋! 04/20 Web-xiangqiJS 04/15 Software-Maya(材质篇) 04/10 Diary-13-京爷吉祥! 04/06 Software-Maya(建模篇) 04/01 3 月 Paper-组会汇报 03/31 Diary-12-我要看花花! 03/24 Unity-UI Toolkit 03/24 Hexo-Artitalk 03/22 Unity-LineRenderer 03/21 Unity-XCharts 03/21 Paper-TripoSR-Fast 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Image 03/18 Software-C4D 03/17 Software-Unreal 虚幻 C++ 零基础入门 03/14 Web-Leaflet 03/13 Software-谌嘉诚 UE4 教程(63-68) 03/12 Software-谌嘉诚 UE4 教程(57-62) 03/12 Software-谌嘉诚 UE4 教程(52-56) 03/11 Diary-11-我需要治疗! 03/10 Latex-论文排版踩坑记录 03/06 Software-谌嘉诚 UE4 教程(27-51) 03/05 Hexo-昼夜切换 03/05 Software-谌嘉诚 UE4 教程(1-26) 03/02 2 月 Diary-又又又冀了 02/26 Diary-浙了(二) 02/26 Diary-浙了(一) 02/26 Diary-寒假(福州篇) 02/13 Web-turn.js 02/13 Web-ThreeJS 02/04 1 月 Web-PixiJS 01/31 Server-阿里云 ECS 01/29 Diary-赣了,又又闽了(三) 01/22 Diary-赣了,又又闽了(二) 01/22 Diary-赣了,又又闽了(一) 01/22 Diary-中国古动物馆 01/22 Diary-定州之旅 01/18 Web-视差滚动 01/13 Diary-10-倒一 01/13 Hexo-给博客提提速! 01/10 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 13-Network Compression 01/09 Diary-9-倒二 01/03 2023 年 12 月 Hexo-博客相册功能的开发 12/30 Hexo-Quiet 主题魔改笔记 12/28 Diary-8-白茫茫 12/21 Paper-Fourier Contour Embedding for Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection 12/20 Server-河北人工智能计算中心 12/19 Web-可以拖动的百叶窗效果 12/17 Web-Html Canvas 12/16 Diary-不会吧不会吧不会还有人没见过雪吧 12/11 Software-AN 12/09 Diary-7-懒洋洋 12/07 Software-PR 12/03 Software-AE 12/01 11 月 Software-AI 11/29 Paper-YOLOv7-Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors 11/29 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 12-Reinforcement Learning 11/25 Exercise-小论文相关 11/21 Diary-6-金灿灿 11/20 Paper-Synthetic-to-Real Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Scene Text Detection in the Wild 11/14 Diary-ROCK HOME TOWN 11/12 Diary-又又雄了 11/11 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 11-Adaptation 11/09 Diary-5-更寒风与更雾霾 11/09 Paper-Fast Poisson Disk Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions 11/04 10 月 Paper-An Annotation Saved is an Annotation Earned-Using Fully Synthetic Training for Object Instance Detection 10/31 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(2) 10/30 Diary-4-寒风与雾霾 10/28 GAMES101-现代计算机图形学入门-闫令琪(1) 10/25 Unity-Shader Graph 10/23 Software-Blender(动画篇+合成篇) 10/23 Software-Blender(场景灯光篇) 10/20 Software-Blender(粒子篇) 10/20 Software-Blender(材质篇) 10/19 Paper-A novel non-negative matrix factorization technique for decomposition of Chinese characters with application to secret sharing 10/18 Software-Blender(基础篇+建模篇) 10/16 Diary-3-出游 10/15 Paper-SynthTIGER-Synthetic Text Image GEneratoR Towards Better Text Recognition Models 10/11 Paper-重读-UnrealText-Synthesizing Realistic Scene Text Images from the Unreal World 10/10 Paper-Polygonal approximation of digital planar curve using novel significant measure 10/10 Paper-MixNet-Toward Accurate Detection of Challenging Scene Text in the Wild 10/09 Paper-Building outline extraction from ALS point clouds using medial axis 10/08 Paper-A Comprehensive Review of YOLO-From YOLOv1 to YOLOv8 and Beyond 10/07 Exercise-实验相关 10/05 Diary-又雄了 10/03 Diary-2-中秋与国庆 10/01 9 月 Paper-Synthetic Data for Deep Learning 09/27 Paper-Synthetic Image Data for Deep Learning 09/27 Paper-How much real data do we actually need-Analyzing object detection performance using synthetic and real data 09/26 Paper-Structured Domain Randomization-Bridging the Reality Gap by Context-Aware Synthetic Data 09/26 Paper-Training Deep Networks with Synthetic Data-Bridging the Reality Gap by Domain Randomization 09/26 Paper-PEOPLESANSPEOPLE-A Synthetic Data Generator for Human-Centric Computer Vision 09/20 Unity-Using Synthetic Data for Computer Vision Model Training 09/19 Unity-DOTween 09/17 Unity-回顾一下让老师震惊的 PPT 09/17 Diary-1-梧桐与银杏 09/14 Paper-SynthText3D-Synthesizing Scene Text Images from 3D Virtual Worlds 09/12 Paper-3D-FRONT-3D Furnished Rooms with layOuts and semaNTics 09/11 English-六级写作与翻译 09/06 Software-PS Beta 25.0 09/05 Paper-重读-Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images 09/05 Diary-又鹭了,又又冀了 09/03 8 月 Diary-暑期图集(8 月) 08/29 Diary-暑期图集(7 月) 08/29 Paper-Verisimilar Image Synthesis for Accurate Detection and Recognition of Texts in Scenes 08/25 Software-LR 08/21 Course-爱情心理学-武汉理工大学 08/19 Server-AutoDL 08/07 Paper-BlenderText-旧 08/07 Hexo-继续优化 hexo 主题 08/04 Software-Docker 08/03 Paper-Object count or Area Graphs for the Evaluation of Object Detection and Segmentation Algorithms 08/02 7 月 Paddle-动手学 OCR 07/27 Diary-鄂了(五) 07/23 Diary-鄂了(四) 07/22 Diary-鄂了(三) 07/21 Diary-鄂了(二) 07/20 Diary-鄂了(一) 07/19 Paper-看一看师兄师姐们写的论文 07/16 Paper-Real-Time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization and Adaptive Scale Fusion 07/15 Paper-Shape Robust Text Detection With Progressive Scale Expansion Network 07/15 Paper-Detecting Curve Text in the Wild-New Dataset and New Solution 07/14 Paper-Real-Time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization 07/13 Server-MindOCR 07/12 Paper-TotalText 07/07 Diary-暑假! 07/06 Diary-最后的第 19 周 07/06 Diary-又闽了 07/02 6 月 Server-学校服务器相关 06/26 Diary-雄安之旅 06/24 Diary-想润了的第 17 周和第 18 周 06/22 Diary-要润了再到莲池转转吧 06/22 Blender-Datasets-auto-generator-based-on-Blender 06/16 Blender-Text Effects In Blender (7-12) 06/14 Blender-Text Effects In Blender (1-6) 06/10 Diary-平淡的第 15 周和疯狂的第 16 周 06/10 Diary-津了(天津篇) 06/09 Diary-津了(滨海篇) 06/09 Blender-BlenderProc Examples overview-Advanced Examples 06/05 Blender-BlenderProc Examples overview-Basic Examples 06/04 Paper-BlenderProc 06/03 Software-Blender & Python (21-30) 06/01 5 月 Software-Blender & Python (11-20) 05/31 Software-Blender & Python (1-10) 05/31 Diary-似乎很平淡的第 13 周和第 14 周 05/26 Unity-Perception Synthetic Data-Features Overview 05/25 Python-处理 SOLO 数据集 05/25 Unity-Perception Synthetic Data-2 05/25 Unity-Perception Synthetic Data-1 05/23 Paper-UnrealText-Synthesizing Realistic Scene Text Images from the Unreal World 05/23 Dataset-收集一下文本的各种数据集 05/21 Paper-Medical SAM Adapter-Adapting Segment Anything Model for Medical Image Segmentation 05/21 Pytorch-放一放之前看的一些代码 05/20 ML-李宏毅-機器如何生成圖像 05/20 ML-李宏毅-【生成式AI】大模型 + 大資料 = 神奇結果? 05/20 ML-李宏毅-機器如何生成文句 05/19 ML-李宏毅-機器學習基本概念介紹 05/19 ML-李宏毅-正確認識 ChatGPT 05/17 Paper-EAST-An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector 05/13 Diary-梅开二度的第 11 周和第 12 周 05/11 Server-中原人工智能计算中心(各种寄) 05/08 Paper-Segment Everything Everywhere All at Once 05/07 Paper-Rethinking Text Segmentation:A Novel Dataset and A Text-Specific Refinement Approach 05/04 Plan-一些神奇小网站 05/03 Diary-正定之旅 05/01 4 月 Diary-好好学习好好玩的第 9 周和第 10 周 04/27 Paper-Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions 04/26 Paper-Segment Anything in Medical Images 04/26 Software-Stable Diffusion 04/26 Paper-Segment Anything 04/25 Paper-Inpaint Anything 04/25 Paper-Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images 04/21 Diary-番外篇——第 8 周周末 04/16 Diary-挂伟哥的第 8 周 04/14 Plan-对论文的目前想法 04/13 Paper-SEED-Semantics Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Framework for Scene Text Recognition 04/10 Paper-第 6 周和第 7 周也是被要求看论文然后看不懂的两周 04/07 Diary-这是第 6 周和第 7 周的日常! 04/06 Paper-VSR-A Unified Framework for Document Layout Analysis combining Vision, Semantics and Relations 04/05 Diary-目前最最好玩的林草生态园 04/03 3 月 Pytorch-目标检测 YOLOv5 开源代码项目调试与讲解实战-小土堆 03/31 Pytorch-深度学习快速入门教程(绝对通俗易懂!)【小土堆】 03/27 Paper-Text Recognition in the Wild-A Survey 03/26 Paper-第 5 周整理下论文,制定下学习计划 03/24 Diary-第 5 周马上结束了! 03/24 Paper-这两天看的Text Detection的论文 03/22 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 10-Attack 03/19 Homework-看得头晕的整理论文任务 03/19 Diary-愚蠢的体检、活力的保定老头、正宗的沙县小吃 03/18 Paper-整理下这段时间看的论文 03/13 Diary-抓娃娃、打水漂、自行车 03/13 Diary-再记录下这段时间的学习生活? 03/11 Diary-竞秀之旅 03/11 2 月 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 9-Explainable AI 02/28 Diary-解封的大学生活好快乐啊哈哈哈哈哈 02/26 Diary-又冀了 02/26 Diary-疫往情深后的寒假生活 02/26 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-5-RNN 02/25 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-4-word2vec高速化 02/24 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-3-word2vec 02/23 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-2-自然语言和单词的分布式表示 02/23 DL-深度学习进阶-自然语言处理-1-神经网络的复习 02/23 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-8-深度学习 02/23 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-7-卷积神经网络 02/23 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-6-与学习相关的技巧 02/22 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-5-误差反向传播法 02/21 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-4-神经网络的学习 02/21 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-3-神经网络 02/20 DL-深度学习入门-基于Python的理论与实现-2-感知机 02/20 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 8-Auto-encoder Anomaly Detection 02/08 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 7-Self-supervised learning for Speech and Image 02/07 ML-李宏毅-Recent Advance of Self-supervised learning for NLP 02/06 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 6-Generation 02/05 1 月 Homework-快冀了该写寒假作业了不然就寄了 01/31 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 5-Sequence to sequence 01/30 Python-一些我常用的小操作 01/28 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 4-Sequence as input 01/27 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 3-Image as input 01/25 Game-给要关门的炉石上个香 01/19 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 2-What to do if my network fails to train 01/17 ML-李宏毅-Lecture 1-Introduction of Deep Learning 01/13 Python-Building a neural network FROM SCRATCH (no Tensorflow or Pytorch, just numpy & math) 01/13 Latex-latex中文教程-西北农林科技大学-耿楠 01/09 Paper-U-Net-Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation 01/02 2022 年 12 月 Diary-结束了疫往情深的2022 12/31 Paper-Handwritten Optical Character Recognition (OCR)-A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review (SLR) 12/20 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(73-78)-U-net 12/17 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(70-71)-Deep Learning 12/17 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(69)-BOVW 12/17 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(68)-SVM 12/16 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(59-67)-Random Forest Classifier 12/15 Homework-什么狗屁洋文 12/12 Paper-Handwritten digit recognition-investigation of normalization and feature extraction techniques 12/09 Math-Fouriter 12/07 DIP-Convolutions in image processing 12/06 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(55-58)-Supervised Learning 12/03 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(50-54)-Unsupervised Learning 12/03 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(43-49)-Regression 12/02 11 月 DIP-Python tutorials for image processing and machine learning(36-42)-Pandas 11/30 Web-HTML & CSS Full Course - Beginner to Pro (2022) (6-11) 11/28 Web-HTML & CSS Full Course - Beginner to Pro (2022) (0-5) 11/24 Diary-都润回家才想着写寄了的河摆带学的时光真是屑啊 11/23 Web-html+css模拟微信QQ聊天框 11/22 Diary-闽了 11/21 Hexo-更新了hexo主题 11/15 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(51-58)-Image Segmentation 11/14 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(48-50)-Image Quality 11/13 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(46-47)-Image Registration 11/13 Unity-Unity中的网格系统及AStar算法 11/11 Python-Regular Expressions made Easy 11/09 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(44-45)-Color Spaces 11/05 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(42-43)-CLAHE 11/04 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(29-41)-Image Filtering 11/02 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(22-28)-Python Libraries 11/02 10 月 DIP-Introductory python tutorials for image processing(1-21)-Python Basics 10/30 Paper-Palette-Image-to-Image Diffusion Models 10/26 Theory-计算理论导引2 10/14 Theory-计算理论导引1 10/09 Theory-计算理论导引0 10/09 Diary-冀了以后 10/07 9 月 Diary-冀了 09/28 Diary-冀之前的9月 09/22 ML-吴恩达机器学习-week1 09/02 8 月 Plan-一些学习计划-旧 08/31 Diary-First week in Garyton University 08/31 Latex-刘海洋-LaTeX 不快速的入门 08/27 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(scraping) 08/26 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(scikit-learn) 08/24 Diary-Garyton的6-8月 08/22 Git-莫烦python学习笔记(git) 08/13 Linux-莫烦python学习笔记(linux) 08/12 Python-人工智能数学基础17 08/03 Python-人工智能数学基础16 08/01 7 月 Python-人工智能数学基础15 07/29 Python-人工智能数学基础14 07/26 Python-人工智能数学基础13 07/25 Python-人工智能数学基础12 07/23 Python-人工智能数学基础11 07/22 Python-人工智能数学基础10 07/20 Python-人工智能数学基础(7-9) 07/12 Python-人工智能数学基础(5-6) 07/10 Python-人工智能数学基础(2-4) 07/09 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(multithreading) 07/06 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(multiprocessing) 07/06 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(matplotlib) 07/04 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(pandas) 07/04 Python-莫烦python学习笔记(numpy) 07/04 6 月 Diary-毕业典礼 06/20 Diary-实习的第五周 06/19 Diary-实习的第四周 06/12 Plan-BOSS直聘上的招聘要求 06/05 Diary-实习的第三周 06/05 5 月 Diary-实习的第二周 05/31 Diary-实习的第一周 05/22 Hexo-第一篇博客 05/03